
MAKE 100, Savage METAL MINIS for gaming.

Created by Gary Hunt Miniatures

Minotaur vs Gnoll: Highly detailed metal miniatures designed for the 28-32mm tabletop.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update #8 - 100 Backers. Thank you!
about 4 years ago – Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 06:41:51 PM

100 Backer Update - mystery mini add-on #3 revealed

Inspired by one of Jk's modified sculpts - Gary has created a new Geladan archer on warbeest figure. The figure will represent the agility and nimbleness of the Geladan archer.

The sculpt will be available in the pledge manager after the campaign is completed and at a onetime kickstarter exclusive pricing (save approx 25%).

Geladan Archer on Warbeest - mystery add-on # 3 (NZ$30.00-US$19.5) - UNLOCKED! 100 backers

The athletic Geladan Archer on warbeest. (Needs a bit more work)

Some Pledge levels remain

There are still a handful of reward pledge levels left. We have released the 100 backer reward now as we want to recognize and count the 6 "Pledge with no reward" backers also. We will be opening the PM to the Pledge without reward in the event you change your mind.

Other GHM figures in the Pledge Manager

Several people have reached out and requested additional figures from the Gary Hunt Miniatures website be made available in the Pledge Manager. 

- Whilst this campaign was originally focused on the two hero sculpts, it makes sense to be able ship combined orders and make some of Gary's other works available. 

These additional figures will likely be individual add-ons and at similar price as in the webstore. However, as a KICKSTARTER SPECIAL we will ship these in with your current pledge without charging additional shipping fees (for clarity, you would still be charged the shipping fee relevant to your region).

We won't be adding all of Gary's figures as we have future campaigns planned which these might better align with.

Stay Tuned

Some cool stretch goals to be announced in the next few days.


Update #7: Beestwars Bestiary and lore. Minotaurs, Gnolls, Vampires and more.
about 4 years ago – Sun, Feb 09, 2020 at 03:46:34 PM

Here's a WIP Bestiary that I started writing (with the help of the talented, Doug Redpath ) for The Barbarian Beestwars free quickstart rules .

 Given time I would like to invigorate it with coloured illustrations and more races.  

 You'll see the main 3 factions (so-far) outlined here as well as a few others that have been started or I'm looking forward to designing and sculpting. I'd like to develop a rich world with interesting characters for the factions that you'll be able to game with.

Is it cheesy to call it a beestiary?
Oops the e-mail went out with a typo!

I have more ideas I'd like to tackle but these will take keep me occupied for the foreseeable future.  

And if you haven't checked out the game of Beestwars or my website you may want to have a look at some lore concerning Minotaurs and beast men (Clovis), Geladan (Baboon men) and Hyenamen (shapshifting Human barbarian Gnolls).

Again, a big thanks to Doug Redpath elaborating on my ideas, fleshing out the world in colourful prose, you can read more of his short stories here:

You can find more minis, stats and the free game here:

Cheers, Gary.

Update #6 A little more of my backstory- Beasts of War interview.
about 4 years ago – Sun, Feb 09, 2020 at 02:45:41 AM

 Hi folks, I've included a bit of my backstory on this Kick starter campaign but if you'd like to know more I dug up this article:

Mike Talks interviewed me a few years ago for Beasts of war. It was a backstage article (pay to view) but now OnTableTop have opened it up for all to read.. you can read the full article here:

 I've included a few old snapshots below.. the article is actually about 3 times longer than this selection. It's actually cool to go back to memory lane and see this old Beasts of War logo (now that they are On Table Top) and the old adverts..


 (middle- find the missing pages here: )

 (End-find the missing pages here: ))

Update #.. Painting tips by Charles Radford.
about 4 years ago – Thu, Feb 06, 2020 at 02:39:03 PM

Charles Radford is a great painter and a great guy, he's been helping me out with the Beestwars minis. He hails from Christchurch in New Zealand and has many years experience. He is also a moderator on the ‘eavier metal Facebook group, and he wishes had more time to paint!

Painting Beestwars minis.

   I primed all of the models with Vallejo black and zenithal sprayed grey at a slight angle and finished with white from the top.

 For the Hyenamen, I based the skin using VMC mahogany. For the shading I used VMC red black and then washed with Agrax earthshade. I added the base coat to re-establish the base coat and then added VMC sunny skin tone for highlights. The red skirts used VMC burnt red and then washed with Agrax and highlights by adding VMC buff. Once highlights are dried give the skirts a red ink glaze. The grass skirts and straps use buff and highlighted with VMC ivory. The bone based with ivory washed with agrax and highlighted with white.   You probably noticed that there is a bit of a theme here. Agrax is doing a lot of the heavy lifting. I’ve found that if there are steps that can be combined then models get on the table quicker. So base coats, then skin first shade, then you can wash the entire model and that means quick results.   

Hyenaman Warband: Painted by Charles Radford, Mary Profitt and Leonard Ellis.

Geladan are a bit more simple. The skin is based with VMC beige red and the hair based with VMC buff. Washed again all over with agrax. Highlight the skin using sunny skin tone, and then ivory. Glazes can start happening now. I use reds, greens and blues. Ink glazes are nice in that they can add heaps to a model with minimal effort. Blue trousers are a matter of taking VMC turquoise and adding ivory for highlights. Glaze blue ink for some shades and you’re good to go.   

The war beest is really a combination of the above. Mix and match how you like to try out different effects. This guy has stripes, but there is a whole bunch of stuff that is able to be researched.   

For the bases, I used pva and added fine grade sand. Inks come to the rescue, start with red brown ink over the whole base and add black in small amounts for smaller spots. Finish it with a variety of grass tufts. Using one type is a bit boring, a variety feels a bit more realistic.

You can see much more of Charles work on his Instagram and Facebook pages, including a plethora of amazing busts..

Update #4: 80 backers, Mystery Add-on Unlocked
about 4 years ago – Tue, Feb 04, 2020 at 01:04:24 AM

We have reached 80 Backers.. Amazing! Thank you!

We are able to announce our second mystery add-on.

Beestwars Status Tokens

We love tokens - Tokens are used in Beestwars to represent conditions and status for the characters, they are also used as pips or chits of blood and froth which can be spent to perform special or additional actions, magic and healing. Token uses include:

  • Wounded,
  • Stunned,
  • Dead,
  • Froth (like rage or extra energy)
  • Blood (this is like mana, spirit, magic)
  • On guard. (ready)

The tokens are specifically designed to be generic enough to be adopted for other gaming systems. So they could be used to identify stamina, casualties, disorder, wounds, etc.

Token Add-on

You can never have enough tokens... A 6 pack of tokens can be added on in the Pledge Manager for (UD$9 - NZ$13). For a typical game of Beestwars we suggest 2-3 sets packs of tokens.

  Tokens will be double sided, exact size is to be finalized but will about approx the size of a NZ$1 (20-23mm dia and 2-3mm thick).

Without taking ourselves too seriously; we all know what it is like to fidget whilst waiting for an opponent to take their turn… some stack dice (sixes up), others flick their tape measures or palm health markers…these tokens will not only serve as status markers in the game but provide you with a tactile fidget option... learn to roll it over your knuckles like a seasoned poker player - this may even psych out your opponents. Over 15 million people think it is a skill worth having.

Note: link is provided for information only, we have no affiliation with the producer and cannot guarantee results.

New mystery mini add-on when we reach 100 backers.

We are preparing another mystery mini for the 100 backer milestone. We aren’t too far off... We will also be adding some freebie and other stretch goals to bring extra value to backers.

Again, our sincerest thanks to all our backers.