
MAKE 100, Savage METAL MINIS for gaming.

Created by Gary Hunt Miniatures

Minotaur vs Gnoll: Highly detailed metal miniatures designed for the 28-32mm tabletop.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Beestwars: Black Friday and new release.
3 months ago – Fri, Nov 29, 2024 at 04:21:43 PM

Hi there, for anyone that is interested in STLs:

My black Friday sale has started on My Mini Factory! 30% off all Beestwars stls.... Follow my link

and use the code: BF24

And I've just added a new 32mm Undead Liche. Which is also 30% off until the end of the sale. Ends Dec 3rd.

Free Halloween mini stl for 3d printing. + news.
4 months ago – Sun, Nov 03, 2024 at 01:23:19 AM

Hi everyone, follow this link to download your Free Halloween Wraith STL, open for the next week.

It was fun sculpting this reaper wraith (Some of the first figures I collected as a kid were wraiths and undead) so I intend to make more and incorporate them in to the myth and lore of Beestwars.

Enjoy printing them. And if you could share any photos of prints or painted prints that you have to my "My mini factory" store and give a like that would be really helpful for my business on there. 

If you don't have a printer I'm sorry, I'm working on getting the next Kickstarter ready for a release of the Metal minis from the last stl kickstarter. The day job along with a bunch of freelance sculptures has delayed this. It doesn't look like I'd be able to get it ready for Nov/Dec so it's best that I set a goal for some time in Jan/Feb. I'll keep you all posted.

If you want to order any more Metal Beestwars minis you can still use the backerkit store: 

 or head to

Thanks, Gary.

New Minis, Digital sale, painted sculpts and progress.
7 months ago – Sun, Aug 18, 2024 at 08:34:31 PM

Hi there everyone, I hope you are all enjoying your hobby time. I've joined the my mini factory Summer sale (even though it's winter here) There's 30% off the full range. If there's something you didn't pick up in the ks. Follow this link:   and use the code SUMMER24. Sale ends Sept 9th.

Work carries on with Beestwars, I've been painting the rest of the minis and terrain and sculpting new figures although I've had another job that has taken priority. It's for the guys who do my casting, (I owe them so couldn't say no- 14, 1,32nd scale flags for their Regal toy soldiers range) I'll be creating stat cards now that I have painted minis and have asked Zombiesmith miniatures to supervise the actual stats (Zombiesmith wrote the rules that i use for Beestwars)

I've now painted all the terrain and totem pieces, Geladan, Crocmen, Hyenamen, Dust devil's, Clovis, Dwarf tuskers. I'll have to come up with one for the Northern Barbarians when I have a warband ready. 

A sacred mangrove that has grown around a crocodile skull. (Inspired by a tree I saw in Thailand that has grown around a stone Buddha head)

The suitably bloody, Clovis totem.

An ancient Stelae created by an evil necromancer to summon Dust devils.  Built with piled stones, runes scratched into the crumbling stucco exterior.

A stone circle, carved by the ancestors of the Dwarf tuskers. Still used today for their ancient rites.

It feels like an accomplishment to get the full dwarf tuskers warband painted (they could probably do with some tattoo's though)

Strange Plastic have started selling resin prints of my minis on their website and will be adding more soon. 

I've been working on this monstrosity! Obviously it will only be available as an stl. The minotaur lord taunts the tribes who revear the jungle with uprooting one of the trees and using it as his throne. 

This is just a w.i.p.  I'll be adapting the minotaurs pushing the chariot, the blades and decor soon.

This is in it's very early stages but I'm going to make some undead minis. I have a few ideas as to how they fit in. This one, so far is reminiscent of the evil monks that I sculpted and they were released by Grenadier UK in 1994.

Here's an old school mini that I sculpted around 1992, practising sculpting before I acquired  work with Grenadier UK. My Mum recently sent 3 snakemen over to me along with some more of my old citadel stuff that I stored back in the UK. He got sent straight back as Satanic Panic miniatures are now producing him along with 2 others made at the same time.

If you have any Beestwars prints or painted prints please share them with me. it would help the store grow and i'd love to see how they came out and whether they were used on a battlefield or in an adventure.

Hopefully I can launch the Clovis Metal minis as a KS soon. 

That's all for now folks. All the best, Gary.

My second Kickstarter was fully delivered- Next a Kickstarter for the Metal mini lovers.
10 months ago – Wed, May 01, 2024 at 06:24:26 PM

Hello to everyone that backed my first kickstarter back in the day! Here's some new about the second KS fulfilment and ideas for the next one....

Hi everyone, you'll be pleased to hear that everything from the Kickstarter has been uploaded to the My Mini Factory store. Hurrah!

The last additions were the faction totem poles. Initially I thought they would just be wooden poles with their faction emblem attached but I put a bit more effort in and came up with these uniquely identifiable sculpts. so if you backed the New Stl or All-in pledges they are free to download.

I hope you like them. I can't wait to get printed and painted copies onto the tabletop.

I also finished off the Busts at 1/10th scale. standing approx 15cm (including the base).

I added 2 versions of the Hyenaman witch. One with magical flames licking at her costume and one without so you have a choice: a fantasy piece or a more realistic tribal composition.

I finished the Croc handler bust as well.

A couple of the stretch goals that hadn't unlocked were added to the MMF store for you to purchase if you'd like: The Hyenaman warrior, the Stone circle and I will also work on the ruined hut. 

It was exciting to see the Hyenanwoman Witch bust printed by Gary Fowkes. I can't wait to get one painted. :)

Some of the files that were uploaded, to meet the self-imposed Christmas deadline for the bulk of the figures, had no supports. I'm going through and adding pre-supported files to the unsupported minis now so they should all be done soon.

So what's next? A little break where I paint some minis and play some games. Prepping stat cards for the new minis and updating the quickstart rules. And i'm going to get sculpting new stuff and preparing for a new KS. My next Kickstarters will concentrate on getting the figures molded and cast in Pewter. They'll be done in stages over a number of KS's as the cost of molding so many figures (in NZ and the US) is quite high and take a while to deliver.  With the Metal mini Kickstarters I'll be including the all-in digital models again with some of the new digital sculpts.

I'll expand the Northern barbarians. I'm going to sculpt some Wraiths and we'll see what other characters materialise. Croc themed? Dino themed? Lovecraftian? or something else.. I have ideas ;)

Thanks again to all my wonderful backers. I look forward to carrying on the Beestwars saga with you.

Let me know how you got on with printing/painting /playing Beestwars minis. I would be so grateful if you have any photos of the prints, especially if you have painted them or used them in a game. It would help me spread the word if you shared them on social media with a #garyhuntminiatures, @garyhuntminiatures , #beestwars or DM me.

all the best, Gary.


My 2nd Kickstarter is ending soon!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 04:06:39 AM

Hi everyone,

Thanks for supporting me in the past. 

My second KS funded and is now coming to a close, we're on the home stretch, the last 30 hrs! And close to unlocking the 6th Stretch goal.

It was really great to see some familiar backers/customers again.

If you haven't had time yet why not check it out here :

It'll give you an indication of what is available now to be 3d printed and what will be available in Metal in the future.

And while you're there check out some of my updates as I've uploaded some turntables of the 3d prints that I painted. Here's one of the Minotaur leader with Eagle.

Cheers, Gary